Information for Healthcare Professionals
The Partners for Healthier Weight (PfHW) team is committed to supporting family physicians and healthcare professionals by providing evidence-based obesity management services. If you would like to learn more about PfHW and the services we offer, please contact our office at (902) 473-1189.
Referral Process
PfHW Program
All prospective participants for the PfHW Program must have a family physician’s referral in order to participate; however, any healthcare professional can serve as an initial referral source.
The PfHW Program is appropriate for individuals who have a BMI of 30 or greater. To refer one of your patients to the clinic, please review and complete the referral form and fax it to (902) 454-2686.
Once we receive your patient’s referral, you will receive a confirmation that your referral has been received. Your patient will be contacted by one of our team members. If your patient communicates that they are interested in participating in an upcoming PfHW Program, they are asked to complete several steps prior to enrollment.
After your patient views the online Information Session videos and related Documents they will book an appointment with you to inform you that they are interested in participating in the Program. As your patient’s primary care provider, please complete the blood work requisitions and provide us with a comprehensive medical assessment. Alternatively, we also accept a copy of a comprehensive obesity assessment done by a consulting physician and/or specialist. If you would like, PfHW is aware of one physician in the HRM that performs these consultations and we can fax a referral for her services upon your request. Information may also be found on her website, .
If your patient completes the required steps and is determined to be appropriate for the PfHW Program, you will be notified once they have been enrolled in the Program. We look forward to welcoming your patient to PfHW.
Other Obesity Management Services
PfHW offers a variety of obesity management services including individual professional services. If you would like to refer your patient for services other than the 52 week Program, please specify on the referral form how we can best meet your patient’s needs.
Request for Informational Materials
PfHW provides informational support materials as a resource for healthcare professionals and their patients. If you would like to order support materials for your office, please fill out the form below and fax it to our office at (902) 454-2686.
These materials will be mailed directly to your office.
Click here for the Request for Informational Materials Form