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Type: Gift Shops
Convenience and Gift Shops
Cobequid Gift
Cobequid Community Health Centre, Cobequid Main Lobby
Telephone (902) 864 5272
Regular Hours
Monday to Friday 8:00am-4:00 pmMethods of Payment Accepted
- Cash
- Interac/Debit
- Mastercard
- American Express
From the Heart
Halifax Infirmary, HI Site, QEII, Robie Street Lobby
Telephone (902 473 1686
Regular Hours
Monday to Friday 7:00am-8:00pmSaturday & Sunday 11:00am-8:00pm
Holiday Hours
Good FridayEaster Monday
Victoria Day
Canada Day
Natal Day
Labour Day
Remberance Day
Methods of Payment Accepted
- Cash
- Interac/Debit
- Mastercard
- American Express
VMB Giftshop
Veterans Memorial Building, HI Site, QEII, VMB Lobby
Telephone (902) 473 2419
Regular Hours
Monday to Friday 9:30-5:30Saturday & Sunday 12:00pm-4:00pm
Methods of Payment Accepted
- Cash
- Interac/Debit
- Mastercard
- American Express
Because You Care
Victoria Building, VG Site, QEII, Scotia Room Retail Hallway
Telephone (902) 473 7520
Regular Hours
Monday to Friday 9:30am-5:00pmMethods of Payment Accepted
- Cash
- Interac/Debit
- Mastercard
- American Express
Apple A Day
Dickson Building, VG Site, QEII, Dickson Building Lobby
Telephone (902) 473 2134
Regular Hours
Monday - Friday 7:30am-4:00pmMethods of Payment Accepted
- Cash
- Interac/Debit
- Mastercard
- American Express