Urban Farm



We would like to cordially invite you to our community celebration.  
We have continued our work with youth, new Canadians and general community to grow thousands of pounds of food and immeasurable community again this year.  Come see what we've grown!
This year, our event has strong Arabic and East African offerings, as some of our farmers this year are newcomers from Syria, Sudan, and Burundi.
Event highlights include:
Mi'kmaq drummers
Arabic dance music
East African and Syrian food
Ethiopian coffee ceremony
Niki Jabour (Halifamous gardener) as MC
Smashing Pumpkins cover band!
... and we are working on a Swahili Gospel sing-along!
There will also be the usual: 
pumpkin smashing
garlic planting
apple cider pressing
silent auction
Our facebook event is: https://www.facebook.com/events/175714882880352/



 Support Us

Want to support gardening activity happening at Common Roots Urban Farm? There are many ways to 'pitch-in'.  Choose an interest  and support level that fits you best from our Support Menu below:

$ 10  Purchase an perennial for the Flower Farm
$ 20  Sponsor one food box delivery to the Parker Street Food Bank
$ 40  Sponsor the annual plot fee for someone who can't afford it
$100  Sponsor the building of new plot
$250  Sponsor a half share in the Food Bank CSA
$500  Sponsor a full share in the Food bank CSA

Menu Choices

Donations may be made using the PayPal option above, by requesting an invoice from .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  or mailing a cheque payable to Partners for Care,  -1276 South Park Steet, Room 026A Centennial Bldg, Halifax, NS   B3H 2Y9.

Registered charity tax receipts will be provided for all donatons of $25 or more.


Welcome to Common Roots Urban Farm

Hours of Operation 

*Weather permitting

On-farmMarket Stand

11:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday to Friday
May through October


Common Roots Urban Farm is a hybrid garden right in front of QEII Emergency, where the Queen Elizabeth High School once stood. This pilot project hopes to inspire a community-built vision of urban agriculture and productive landscapes everywhere. More than just a community garden, the farm includes a market garden, edible landscaping, and places to sit and relax. Everyone is welcome to wander and work. We host groups and individual community members working together, learning how to grow and eat healthy food. Visitors are encouraged to come by any day between 3 and 6 p.m. for an introduction to the farm.


Code of conduct

Code of Conduct

1. Be positive stewards of the land, tools and structures.
2. Only nibble from the ‘Nibble’ plots.
3. No smoking.
4. Dogs on leash please.
5. Smile, you’re on live webcam!
6. Exercise care, diligence, safety, and skill to the best of your ability.
7. Treat everyone with dignity and respect. Collaborate with others.
8. Use at your own risk.


 Guiding Principles
1. The site will provide opportunities for a variety of public, interactive and fun gatherings that will benefit a diverse range of individuals. It is important that CRUF has multiple functions and activities throughout the year to encourage all members of the community. The site offers an opportunity to create an important public gathering  space, bringing people together for community celebrations and events (e.g., art, music, agriculture, education). Therefore, it is integral to our mission that the activities on the site meet the needs of a diverse population (e.g., ethnicities, ages, abilities).

2. The design, development and operations of the site will provide significant benefits to the broader community. Since this site is within the Halifax Commons, it is important that it   respond to important  community needs, simultaneously maintaining  the tradition that common land be used for the common good. For example, food grown on the site could be distributed to local school cafeterias, and certain sections of the farm could be used as healing gardens for hospital patients and visitors. The site will create a much needed public sanctuary from the city for all residents where they can reconnect with nature while reaping the benefits to their personal health.

3. The site will promote a holistic approach to health and wellness. The proximity of the site to hospital facilities provides therapeutic (cognitive, emotional and physical)opportunities for hospital patients and visitors. The use of the site will also demonstrate healthy eating options and lifestyles that will help our citizens to improve their mental and physical well being.

4. Development of the site will demonstrate and launch ideas and projects that promote sustainability. This public project provides an opportunity to demonstrate what is possible in terms of sustainability (social, environmental, economic and cultural), incorporating a holistic approach to managing inputs and outputs. This approach will guide site preparation (e.g., reusing salvageable building materials) through to site operations (e.g., on site rainwater collection and energy generation).

5. Programming of the site will nurture educational opportunities. The site will become a resource hub for community collaboration that promotes sharing local knowledge, resources and skills (e.g., growing food, preserving food, vermicomposting, and permaculture). We all have something to learn and something to teach.

6. The site will be active and animated throughout the year. Given the relatively short growing season in Nova Scotia, it is important that the design of the site reflect activity and beauty throughout the year. Some of the ways to achieve this include incorporating staggered planting methods, greenhouses and colour into the overall design of the site.

7. The use of the site will foster and promote community partnerships and unique opportunities for collaboration.
Building on the existing base of local knowledge, resources and experience, the site will incorporate many community partners and collaborators in the planning, development and operations of the site. The project will provide ways to connect Halifax based organizations and individuals with one another, both locally and throughout the province.

8. The development and interim use of the site will be a model for future sites and projects. The development of a temporarily vacant site into something that positively contributes to the community is an important and necessary shift in how future vacant sites are considered. The specific use of the site for urban agriculture that promotes health and education will be a catalyst for innovative demonstration projects, creative curriculum development and important policy changes.

9. Innovative and creative approaches must be taken to ensure this important public space is safe. Through continuous, active, programmed use and creative design of the site, public safety will of the upmost priority. In order to increase this sense of safety, it is necessary that community members feel a sense of ownership of the site.